Update on outdoor eating and learning supports for schools

As DPS schools work hard to increase outdoor eating and learning, we've been coordinating multi-layered efforts to support our schools in making this transition. Moving toward outdoor eating for all students is a huge lift for our school educators and staff and we're doing what we can to galvanize community resources to support them through this work. 

There are 4 ways we are currently supporting our schools with utilizing outdoor space:

  1. DPSF's Outdoor Eating and Learning (OEL) Fund will provide DPS schools with grants (up to $5,000) for needs to utilize outdoor space for eating and learning.

  2. We created an OEL Resource Guide that shares outdoor eating ideas across schools, consolidates promising practices and lessons learned, and provides ideas for supplies that could be purchased through the OEL Fund.

  3. This week we're launching a pilot initiative in partnership with Duke's Open Design Studio that will offer logistics and space design support to schools, helping them troubleshoot barriers to outdoor eating.

  4. DPSF made a bulk purchase of over 7,000 lightweight chairs and cushions that we're distributing across schools, prioritizing resources to schools with the greatest need.

This work is a community-wide effort and we need your help! We need volunteers to help us distribute the lightweight chairs and cushions to schools ASAP. 

  • Volunteers will help us sort, organize, load, and potentially deliver these items beginning this week.

  • Most volunteer roles will be during the 9am-5pm window on weekdays

  • We require volunteers coming for in-person work be vaccinated and wear a mask at all times. The work will be done in a large warehouse where people can be spaced apart and doors open for airflow.

  • If you are able to volunteer this week (as early as tomorrow!) please submit our form here.

If you're not able to volunteer, you can still help support this work and ensure DPSF is able to continue showing up for our public school communities by making a one-time or recurring donation here

Thank you so much for your ongoing support of our schools!