Principal Leadership Fellowship Launches at a Key Moment

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Last Monday, seven DPS principals logged on to a Zoom call to hear from and support each other. They talked about the challenges they are facing with reopening school in the midst of a pandemic to and how to make decisions in a way that is inclusive of many different opinions and expectations. 

This was the third meeting of the Principal Leadership Fellowship, a program that launched in January of 2021. Fellows are invited to reflect on their leadership styles while being introduced to the collective problem-solving strategies that are already working at Lakewood Elementary and Club Elementary--two schools piloting the Community Schools model with support from DPS, Durham County, the City of Durham as well as Duke University and North Carolina Central University.

“The willingness of these amazing school leaders to embrace and learn more about the importance of building a culture of shared leadership within their schools has been truly inspiring. Each of these principals understands the importance of family engagement; however, the sharing of their experiences along with learning more about the Community Schools model and its positive impact on student outcomes, community empowerment and teacher leadership has been a win-win for all involved. My only regret is I didn’t have this training when I was a’s that good!” Jim Key (retired DPS Principal:  Eno Valley, Carrington, Chewning and Riverside)

DPS Superintendent Dr. Pascal Mubgenga has expressed his support for this Fellowship, trusting that he might be able to look to this cohort as a group of inclusive leaders who can help solve some of the unique problems that face the district.  

DPS Principal Fellows include:

Jessica Austin, Lakewood Montessori Middle

Jonathan Brooks, Eastway Elementary

Jamie Carr, C.C. Spaulding Elementary

Miah Hart-Olivis, Hillandale Elementary

James Hopkins, Lakewood Elementary

Terry Phillips, Club Boulevard Elementary

Anthony White, Brogden Middle


Xavier Cason, DPS Foundation

Jim Key, DPS Foundation

Anna Grant, DPS Community Schools Coordinator

Megan McCurley, DPS Community Schools Coordinator


Katie Wright