Grants Impact Update

Grants Program Manager Taylor has been on the road recently visiting our grant recipients.

These are educators and families from 47 schools across DPS working on DPSF-funded projects that champion equity and innovation. Here are a few highlights:

Hub Farm is bringing history to life and helping students connect to their own heritage as well.

At Eastway Elementary School, tents lined the halls one evening, creating special spots for families to read together.

At Southwest Elementary School, students are using robots to learn basic coding.

Across DPS, our 23/24 grantee’s connected with each other to share their wins and challenges by taking each other to lunch. Here’s to full bellies and hearts!

Follow along at @bullcityschools to see more grant funds in action.

YOUR donations make these project possible! When you give, you support educators, allowing them to dream boldly and get funds to make a difference.

DPS Foundation